1. Subject + Be Verb
I + am = I’m

2. Negative Modals
must + not = mustn’t

3. Subject + Helping Verbs / Modals
I + have = I’ve

4. Subject + Helping Verbs / Modals
we + had = we’d

5. Subject + Helping Verbs / Modals
they + will = they’ll

6. Subject + Helping Verbs / Modals
she + would = she’d

7. Q-Word + Verb/Modal
here + is = here’s

8. Negative Modals
can + not = can’t


LESSON: Basic Apostrophe S Rules
Steve’s box

QUIZ 1: Possessives
That is Steve’s box.

Advanced Apostrophe S Rules
My cat’s collar

Quiz 2: Possessives
in four weeks’ time

Quiz: Comma Usage 1
He walked, jumped, and whistled.

Quiz: Comma Usage 2
Comma or no comma?

Run-On Sentences
Learn about run-ons and take a practice quiz.


Capital Letters Lesson: NAMES
Mrs. Kaye Mastin Mallory

Capital Letters Quiz 1
Capitalize these sentences correctly.

Capital Letters Lesson: TITLES
the Declaration of Independence

Capital Letters Quiz 2
Capitalize these sentences correctly.

Capital Letters Lesson: FIRSTS
Kelly shouted, “Don’t do that!”

Capital Letters Quiz 3
Capitalize these sentences correctly.