English-Zone.Com is a privately owned website that began as a site for students and teachers of English, but which expanded to include native speakers of English brushing up on their English grammar skills, GED/HiSET students studying for their exams, and children looking for a safe educational site to visit.
English-Zone.Com is a fun site for STUDENTS who are learning English as a Second Language, or studying English in general. Here, you can learn some idioms, practice with English verbs, test your grammar, check out the fun stuff page, write a silly story, or visit links to other English sites!
This is also a useful site for TEACHERS. English-Zone.Com has a Teacher’s Zone filled with ready-to-print materials usable for ESL teaching guides, worksheets, handouts, or quizzes. There are dozens of links to other sites for teachers as well.
VISITORS who love the English language will find enjoyable pages relating to English as a language, its inconsistencies,jokes, and other fun language nonsense, too!
**Please note: This site is written in American English, so if you see a word you think is spelled wrong, it may not be. British and American English are somewhat different. For example, American English: “English-Zone.Com is my favorite site!” And in British English, “English-Zone.Com is my favourite site!”